Privacy Policy

Latest Update: 2023/03/12
Welcome to PlotSet

We're glad you're here. Here at PlotSet, we respect your privacy and strive to protect your rights. Therefore, we try to keep personal data collection to a minimum. The purpose of the following privacy policy is to provide comprehensive and understandable information regarding the collection, usage, or distribution of data from those who visit our website and use our product. We (either "we," "us," or "our" in this agreement refers to PlotSet) explain:

  • how we use this data,
  • the conditions under which we may disclose it to others,
  • and how we keep it secure. Using our service constitutes your agreement to this policy.

We may update this policy occasionally, so we encourage you (the individual or the company using the services) to review it periodically to ensure that any changes are acceptable to you.

Our purpose in collecting your information

PlotSet collects your personal information to facilitate better services, including administering your account to provide better access to PlotSet. With your consent and upon your request, PlotSet provides you with news, updates, and information about services that may interest you. Currently, PlotSet offers its services for free. In the future, should there be a paid solution for accessing our product, your personal information will also be needed for payments to provide you with premium services.

Information you provide

When you sign up to PlotSet, we collect your name and email address, and a few other additional information. In case of contacting us should there be a problem or give us feedback, the details of the conversation exchange will be recorded. Any data or code uploaded on PlotSet while you are using our services will also be recorded, which may include personal information. Note that you are not forced or obliged to share any personal information with PlotSet. However, withholding certain information may prevent us from fulfilling our services. For instance, if you wish to withhold your email address while creating an account, we will not be able to proceed with your request to access PlotSet. In PlotSet, all accounts, charts and their data are private only to you. We never disclose your information to anyone else unless you decide to make them public or share the information with others.

Information we collect

We collect data from users when they register for an account with PlotSet. If it is a free account, no data other than an e-mail and a password are necessary. In the future, should you upgrade to a paid program, we will collect additional information needed to execute our contract and process payments, such as Credit Card or bank account, as well as your address. When you use PlotSet, we collect information about how you use our website, the pages you visit, the actions you take and the time you take to finish each action.

Additionally, by using cookies (as of now, we only collect third-party cookies), we collect information such as your browser type. Note that this additional data is not stored alongside your personal info. Our site automatically collects the following information regarding your visits:

  • Information about your computer, such as its IP address, browser type, time zone, browser plug-ins, operating system, and platform;
  • Information about your visit, such as the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time), page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), methods used to browse away from the page. The aggregated information is not used or retained to identify you.

Currently, we keep your data indefinitely. However, that may be changed in the future.

How do we use your information

To manage accounts for individuals and organizations, PlotSet receives and stores personal data. You can set up an account using an e-mail address and a password of your choice or by using single-sign-on tools available, such as Google. The decision is left to you. For privacy reasons, PlotSet recommends using your personal email address. In addition to providing you with information about your requested services, we may send you news and updates about PlotSet, inform you of any changes to our product or services, and request feedback from you. We may also use the information you share with us for the following purposes:

  • Our site's administration, research, and statistical purposes, as well as internal operations;
  • Enhancing our product and site to ensure that the content is presented most effectively for you and your computer;
  • For our legitimate interest in measuring and understanding your and others' responses to our advertising.
Who has access to your information

In order to protect our rights or property or prevent any sort of illegal activity, we may share your personal data if necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations. We may also share your personal data with third-party service providers that help us operate our website more efficiently, such as hosting and analytics providers. Note that you have the right to access, Update, or update the data we have collected. In addition, it is also possible for you to opt out of any of the third-party services that we use to collect information.

We currently use the following third-party services:

  • For website visits, we track visits and page views using Google Analytics. In case you are not comfortable with your actions being tracked, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-on via the following link:

  • For support and chatting with clients, we use Hubspot’s chatbot. If you are not comfortable with the settlement, you can opt out by adjusting your browser settings or following the instructions in the following link:

  • For comprehensive analytics to give us insights into what our visitors see when they visit our website, we use Smartlook. In case you are not content with Smartlook tracking your actions, you can opt-out by following the instructions in the link below:

Feel free to contact us anytime if you have any concerns regarding the above mentioned. Your satisfaction and safety are our main priorities.

Data Security

There may be links to other websites run by other organizations on PlotSet. The current privacy policy applies only to our we

bsite, and does not contain or share the privacy policy of the website you visit. Consequently, we strongly suggest you read the privacy statements of the other websites you visit. Whereas your charts’ data is stored normally, any sensitive information is stored encrypted. Whenever you give us personal information, we ensure that it's treated securely. Although we try our best to protect your personal information, it is impossible for us to guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to keep the password that enables you to access certain parts of our websites confidential where we have given one. Please do not share your password with anyone.

Contact us

You can contact us with any questions about this Privacy Policy: