The chart vividly illustrates the stark disparity in global wealth distribution. A staggering 56.6% of the global population holds less than $10,000 in wealth, yet this group accounts for a mere 1.8% of the total global wealth. In contrast, the wealthiest 0.9% of the population, those with over $1 million, control a dominant 43.9% of global wealth. This highlights a significant concentration of wealth among a tiny fraction of the population. Meanwhile, individuals with wealth ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 make up 32.6% of the population but only hold 15.5% of the wealth. Those in the $100,000 to $1 million bracket, representing 9.8% of the population, possess 38.9% of the wealth. The data underscores the profound inequality in wealth distribution, where a small elite holds a disproportionate share of resources, leaving the majority with a minimal stake. This imbalance raises critical questions about economic equity and the potential need for policy interventions to address such disparities. The visualization serves as a powerful reminder of the challenges in achieving a more equitable global economy.