This chart provides a comparative analysis of 16 common careers, ranked based on median salary, workplace factors, stress factors, and growth outlook. Genetic counselors top the list with a balanced profile of very good workplace factors, very low stress, and a promising growth outlook, despite a median salary of $74,120. Mathematicians and university professors follow closely, both offering very good workplace conditions and low stress, though with a slightly less optimistic growth outlook. Interestingly, data scientists and actuaries, while offering higher median salaries, face low stress but have a very good growth outlook, making them attractive options for those prioritizing financial gain. On the other hand, careers like biomedical engineering and pharmacy, despite their high salaries, show poor growth outlooks, indicating potential challenges in future job availability. The chart highlights the importance of considering multiple factors beyond salary when evaluating career options, as stress levels and growth potential can significantly impact long-term job satisfaction and security.