The global smartphone economy in 2020 is projected to reach a staggering $944 billion, with smartphone multipliers contributing $459 billion. This treemap chart reveals intriguing insights into the distribution of revenue across various categories. Content-related services dominate the landscape, accounting for 68% of the multipliers. Mobile advertising alone is expected to generate $176 billion, surpassing traditional TV advertising, driven by the surge in online video and social media. Apps, particularly games, are another significant contributor, with a projected revenue of $118 billion. The hardware segment, comprising accessories and wearables, represents 24% of the multipliers, with accessories leading at $77 billion. Wearables, though smaller, still contribute a notable $25 billion. The service sector, while the smallest at 8%, includes essential components like insurance, repairs, and smart speakers, collectively adding $42 billion. This distribution highlights the diverse ecosystem surrounding smartphones, where content and advertising play pivotal roles. The data underscores the shift towards digital platforms and the growing reliance on smartphones for entertainment and connectivity. As the smartphone market continues to evolve, these trends offer valuable insights into consumer behavior and the future of mobile technology.