Comparison of Assets and Debt: Haves vs. Have Nots

The chart provides a comparative analysis of asset and debt composition between households with positive wealth ('Haves') and the poorest third of households with negative wealth ('Have Nots'). Notably, 'Have Nots' allocate a significant portion of their assets to vehicles (45%), compared to only 15% for 'Haves'. Conversely, 'Haves' invest more in housing (40%) than 'Have Nots' (20%). In terms of debt, 'Have Nots' are heavily burdened by student loans, constituting 47% of their debt, while 'Haves' have a more balanced debt distribution, with mortgages making up 30% and student loans only 6%. This stark contrast highlights the financial challenges faced by 'Have Nots', who are twice as likely to have negative home equity, exacerbating their financial instability. The data underscores the critical need for targeted financial interventions to address the disproportionate debt burdens and asset allocation disparities affecting the most financially vulnerable households.

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