Perception of Technology Categories: Underhyped vs. Overhyped

This chart provides a comprehensive overview of how various technology categories are perceived in terms of hype. Virtual and Augmented Reality, Wearable Technology, and Bots/Conversational UI are seen as the most overhyped, with over 60% of respondents indicating this perception. In contrast, categories like Agtech, Life Sciences, and Security are viewed as underhyped, with more than half of the respondents considering them as such. Interestingly, Autonomous Vehicles and Space technologies show a more balanced perception, with significant portions of respondents viewing them as both underhyped and overhyped. This suggests a divergence in opinions, possibly reflecting the varying stages of development and public understanding of these technologies. The data highlights the importance of aligning public perception with the actual potential and maturity of these technologies to foster informed discussions and investments.

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