Global Happiness Levels by Country

This choropleth map visualizes the happiness levels across various countries, highlighting the most and least happy nations within each continent. Notably, Finland emerges as the happiest country in Europe with a score of 7.6, while Ukraine is the least happy in the same region with a score of 4.3. In North America, Canada leads with a happiness score of 7.3, contrasting sharply with Haiti's 3.6. South America presents a similar dichotomy, with Chile being the happiest at 6.4 and Venezuela the least at 5.2. In Africa, Mauritius stands out as the happiest country with a score of 5.9, whereas South Sudan is the least happy with a score of 2.9, the lowest globally. The map also highlights Taiwan as the happiest in East Asia with a score of 6.4, while India is the least happy at 4.0. Australia, representing Oceania, scores a high 7.3. This visualization underscores significant regional disparities in happiness, with some countries exhibiting stark contrasts within the same continent. The data suggests a complex interplay of factors influencing happiness, including economic stability, social support, and governance, which vary widely across these regions.

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